The Moreau Lab is very active in scientific education and outreach:
Video, radio, blog, and podcast interviews
- Interviewed for PBS Eons YouTube channel about three of my published papers on ant evolution (2023):
- Featured by National Science Foundation’s Scientist Selfie (2022):
- Presentation on Bias in STEM (available for free from eCornell) (2021):
- Video interview on the important of museums and the Cornell University Insect Collection:
- Video interview on our favorite insects in the Cornell University Insect Collection:
- Presentation on How Natural History Museums Are Revolutionizing Science (2021):
- Video interview on digitizing the Cornell University Insect Collection (2020):
- Podcast interview for the KUOW “THE WILD with Chris Morgan” podcast (2020):
- Podcast interview for the Biology of Superheroes podcast (2020):
- Podcast interview for Brains On! children’s podcast (2020):
- Video interview and podcast for Ferment TV as part of Ginkgo Bioworks “Emergent Ecologies in Art and Science” with artist Anicka Yi (2020).
- Podcast interview for There Are No Girls On the Internet podcast (2020):
- Video presentation for “A Scientist Walks Into A Bar” via the Hideout Bar in Chicago (2020).
- Interviewed for three videos as an E.O. Wilson Foundation Half-Earth Project Educator (2020):
- Featured on National Geographic Women of Impact (2018):
- Featured in Swarm Intelligence video for Massive Science (2018):
- Interviewed for three videos as an E.O. Wilson Foundation Half-Earth Project Educator (2020):
- Featured on the Ant Network video series “Turtle Ants, Gut Microbes, & Citizen Science” (2018)
- Interviewed for Insectes Sociaux blog “Interview with a Social Insect Scientist”) (2018)
- Featured in the “Office Hours” YouTube series (2017)
- Interviewed for This Week in Evolution (TWiEVO) podcast (2016)
- Interviewed for “Tumble” podcast (2016)
- Interviewed for “Science For the People” podcast (2016)
- Featured on The Brain Scoop YouTube channel for a video titled “Bullet Ant Venom” (2015)
- Featured on The Brain Scoop YouTube channel for a video titled “Dissecting Ants” (2015)
- Blog interview for Your Wild Life “Before They Were Scientists (2014)
- Radio interview for Chicago Public Radio WBEZ Worldview program EcoMyths Podcast | Transcript (2014)
- Interviewed for Chicagoist online article “Ask a Scientist” (2014)
- Appeared on The Brain scoop YouTube channel for a video titled “Into Peru” (2014)
- Video interview for Fields of Thought series (June 2014)
- Featured in The Brain Scoop video on YouTube titled “Romantic Ants”
- Video participation for a discussion on host-microbes and the hologenome
- Guest blog post on Your Wild Life “Not all bugs in your home are bad”
- Blog interview for Cool Science Job in Chicago (March 2013)
- Interviewed for NPR’s News Blog “The Two Way” about the NPR AntCam (May 2012)
- Video interview for Field Museum Women’s Board “Women in Science” programs (April 2012)
- Radio interview for Chicago radio station (101.9 fm) on “MIX Matters” (April 2012)
- Video interview for the Field Museum’s “The Field Revealed” series on “Turtle ants” (September 2011)
- Featured scientist for the Field Museum’s “Expeditions” website which included creating three short videos about my research, ants, and climate change (January – March 2010)
- Interviewed for the Field Museum’s “Science at FMNH” podcast series (August 2011)
- Wisconsin Public Radio’s “Ideas Network” interview about The Romance of Ants exhibit
- Television interview for local FOX morning show for The Romance of Ants exhibit (2010)
- Radio interview for the syndicated talkradio show “Walking on Air” about The Romance of Ants exhibit (2010)
- National Public Radio (NPR) El Paso (KTEP) Science Studio invited guest speaker (2006)
Public museum exhibits
- Lead curator for “From Nabokov’s Net: Nabokov’s contributions to butterfly science & the Cornell University Insect Collection” public museum exhibit at the Mann Library at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY (open March – November 2024 and online):
- Lead curator for Six-Legged Science: Unlocking the Secrets of the Insect World public museum exhibit at the Museum of the Earth, Ithaca, NY, USA (open March 2022 – December 2022)
- Lead curator for The Romance of Ants public museum exhibit at the Field Museum of Natural History (open July 2010 – October 2012; over 500,000 visitors). Download Graphic Novel
- Content contributor for SPECIMENS: Unlocking the Secrets of Life public museum exhibit at the Field Museum of Natural History (open March 2017 – December 2017).
- Content contributor for Nature’s Toolbox: Biodiversity, Art, and Invention public museum exhibit at the Field Museum of Natural History (open May 2012 – December 2012).
- Featured scientist on the DNA Discovery Center exhibition website and exhibit interactives.
- Several lab members have been the “Featured Scientist” on the DNA Discovery Center’s Facebook page.
- Participated in the Meet a Scientist program at the Field Museum by sharing research and specimens with public visitors through this program.
- Participated on many occasions in the “Talk to the Scientist” hour communicating science and my research to museum visitors for the Field Museum’s pubic exhibit DNA Discovery Center.
Teacher / Educator training
- Created a double-sided “Ants of the Florida Keys” poster and list of K-12 educator resources that comply with the US national Next Generation Science Standards, so teachers can extend the use of the poster for teaching about biodiversity, ecology and evolution in the classroom. These resources were mailed to over 350 K-12 science teachers in southern Florida and the Chicago region (March 2013). | Download Poster | | Download Illinois Educator Handout | | Download Florida Educator Handout |
- Co-instructed a Simply Science workshop titled “Cultivating Curiosity” as part of the Families First Workshop series (October 2011).
- Gave a tour and presentation to high school teachers-in-training as part of the University of Chicago’s Urban Teacher Education Program (UTEP) (June 2011).
- Co-instructed an IMLS funded “Parents as Educators” workshop series “Investigations into Science” sponsored by the Field Museum’s Education Department (April 2011).
- Gave seminar on teaching evolution in the classroom to elementary school teachers as part of the Early Elementary Science Partnership (E2SP) program (March 2011).
K-12 student training
- X-STEM Extreme STEM Symposium for the USA Science & Engineering Festival invited “top” science speaker to 3000 middle & high school students, Washington, D.C., USA. April 2017.
- Lead workshop and lecture for the Youth Design Team academic course offered through the Field Museum (October 2012). This course for academic credit gives students in 10th – 12th grade from across the Chicago region the opportunity to actively participate in science, museum studies, and exhibit design.
- Gave scientific tours of the Field Museum’s Insect Collections and DNA Discovery Center to two groups of students for the CIMBY High School Science Summit (May 2011).
- CoolHub Global Science Seminar presentation for STEM teaching and learning. Online, realtime, interactive presentation to high school students from around the world titled “Ants, DNA, and Bacteria, Oh My!” (October 2010).
- Gave a lecture and participated in the short film created for the exhibit for the FMNH Museology Course for middle school students from Chicago area schools (January 2010).
- Gave lecture and lead tour to the summer 2010 “High School Transformation Project” Chicago public high school science interns – June 2010.Gave two lectures for the FMNH-AAAS Middle School Summit on Evolution to promote science education to middle school students from Chicago inner city schools (January 2009).
- Participated in the AAAS “Breakfast with Scientists” event to encourage retention of high school students in science careers (January 2009).
- Gave four lectures to minority public high school students at Oakland (California) Leadership Public Schools College Park titled “What do scientists do and how do you become one” (October 2008).
- Lead tours of Field Museum’s scientific collections and/or DNA laboratory to many high school groups.
- Mentoring of high school students (for a list of students see Corrie Moreau’s CV).
Undergraduate and graduate training
- Invited presentation for the NSF iDigBio “Broadening Diversity in the Biological Sciences Workshop” at the Field Museum of Natural History on issues related to women in science (September 2014).
- Worked with several undergraduates to create Encyclopedia of Life ( species pages for several ant species.
- Lecture for the DePaul STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) advancement program to 25 minority students at Truman College in collaboration with DePaul College (September 2008).
- Served on a faculty panel for the University of Chicago’s Ethics course for all Biological Sciences graduate students (April 2010).
- Hold a yearly workshop for Field Museum summer undergraduates, interns, and volunteers on applying to graduate school in the sciences (2008-2014).
- Lead tours of Field Museum’s scientific collections and/or DNA laboratory to many university groups.
- Teaching at the University of Chicago – Reconstructing the Tree of Life: An Introduction to Phylogenetics (BIO23404/EVOL35401).
- Mentoring undergraduate interns and advising graduate students (for a list of students see Corrie Moreau’s CV).
Media experiences
- Interviewed by Smithsonian Magazine about a recently published study on trap-jaw ants
- Research featured in Science Magazine
- Interviewed for Farm Industry News about the March for Science and importance of entomology
- Interviewed by several media outlets including Nature Magazine, Discover Magazine, Science Daily, and regarding our recent publication in Molecular Ecology (2016)
- Interviewed by several media outlets including Science Magazine, The Independent, Mental Floss, Science Daily, Genome Web, and regarding our recent publication in Nature Communications (2016)
- Interviewed by several media outlets regarding the loss of the museum in New Delhi, India, including The Chicago Tribute, Political Science Magazine, etc. (2016)
- Featured in Smithsonian Magazine for their annual “Field Notes” section (2016)
- Participated in a live video streaming Q&A interview via Periscope/Twitter with the host of The Brain Scoop, Emily Graslie, about the “Dissecting Ants” YouTube video (2015)
- Interviewed for Chicagoist online article “Ask a Scientist” (2014)
- Interviewed by Science News for an article about host-associated microbes (2014)
- Interviewed by National Geographic for an online article about a recent publication on acacia ants (2013)
- Video and print interview by Medill Reports about the annualChicago Area Ant Lab meeting I host each year “An ant hill of insect experts converge on Chicago” (2013)
- Interviewed by WTTW television for online web extra about honey bee colony collapse (2013)
- Interviewed by Nature for an article about our recent research published in Evolution (2013)
- Interviewed by Nature for an article about Field Museum science cuts (2012)
- Interviewed by the Chicago Tribune for an article about urban ant collecting and citizen science (2012)
- Interviewed by Nature, Live Science, and Popular Mechanics about a recent paper published on ant development by several colleagues (2011).
- Interviewed by The Scientist for a print and online article on freely available and reliable phylogenetic software for novice users (2011)
- Interviewed by American Scientist magazine for a print and online article about “The Romance of Ants” public museum exhibit (2011)
- The Romance of Ants featured as “Buzz of the Week” on the Entomological Society of America website (April 2011)
- Interviewed by the Daily Herald for an article about increased ant populations and home invasions for the print and online newspaper
- Interviewed for Medill Reports for an article about The Romance of Ants exhibit (2011)
- Thomson Reuters ScienceWatch® website featured an interview regarding our 2006 “Science” paper because it was identified by Thomson Reuters Essential Science IndicatorsSM to be one of the most cited papers in the research area of “early ant evolution” (February 2010)
- Ant bacteria research published in PNAS highlighted on several media websites including Genome Web, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News, First Science, among others (December 2009).
- National Geographic News online interview on new ant discovery (2008) (online article).
- Science News magazine interview on new ant discovery (2008) (print journal and online).
- Science News magazine interview on the Encyclopedia of Life (2008) (print journal and online).
- Cambridge Community Television (CCTV) interview for the documentary film, “Ants” (2007).
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch newspaper interview about insects and diversity (2007).
- Interviewed by New York Times, Boston Globe, Daily Telegraph, Science, Nature, Science News and other print and online media sources regarding the publication and findings of our 2006 Science paper (2006).
Other forms of outreach
- Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) curator (Formicidae – ants) (2009–present).
- Field Museum Women in Science (FMWIS) ( (founder, steering committee, & member; 2013-present).
- Curator of Florida Keys Ants on Antweb ( (2011–present).
- Curator of Queensland Australia Ants on Antweb ( (2011-present).
- March for Science Iowa invited rally speaker, Des Moines, IA, USA. April 2017.
- Public seminar for Secret Science Club at the Bell House, Brooklyn, New York (2017):
- Member of the SACNAS (Society for Advancement of Hispanics/Chicanos and Native Americans in Science) Social Media Street Team to help promote the activities during the annual meeting in Long Beach, CA, USA (2016).
- Public seminar for Pint of Science, a global science festival, on the diversity and function of animal associated bacteria (2015):
- Public seminar for Evolution @ Revolution Brewery on the role of microbes in human and ant evolution (2015):
- Invited panel participant “Evolution of Evolution: Darwin’s Impact on Natural Science” for the Lookingglass Theater’s “In the Garden: A Darwinian Love Story” play about Charles and Emma Darwin (2014):
- Answer questions from the general public as an “expert” on Antweb’s AntBlog (2010 –2014) (
- Communicate science via Twitter (@CorrieMoreau).
- Content advisor for the Field Museum’s freely available iPhone application “Specimania” (November 2011):
- Participated in the Year of Science “Zine-a-thon Contest” as a Judge (2009):
- Faculty mentor for SSB/SSE Undergraduate Diversity program (one or two students each year) at the Evolution meetings: Portland, Oregon (2010); Snowbird, Utah (2013); Raleigh, North Carolina (2014); Austin, Texas (2016)